BBC Horizon made a ground breaking documentary about 5 years ago. Google [ "Are you good or evil?" youtube 1hr documentary] to find it. Everyone should see it. It is presenting cutting edge scientific evidence that evil is a genetic disorder. Why does this matter? Firstly because it means evil is real and identifiable even if we don't yet have the technology to do anything about it. Secondly because it means it is not just a moral or religious judgement and thirdly because it means it is not just a psychological problem and the result of a bad childhood. We cannot fix a problem if we don't know what we are dealing with. As a matter of interest science has again caught up with teachings from the spiritual law. Jesus said that there were two species wheat and darnel. Darnel is a weed that looks like wheat when it is green. It is invasive and destructive and intertwines its roots with the wheat and kills it. When it matures it is black upright and twisted unlike wheat which is golden and bowed down with grain. The metaphor of "intertwined" is interesting. Firstly the evil is in the gene pool in the DNA. Not only has science found that it is possible to change the DNA when it was thought previously it couldn't be changed, and not only can it be changed in one generation but scientists using scissor enzymes are working on changing the DNA in small organisms. There is another connotation to intertwined: that the darnel and wheat the good and evil ones are interwoven into our families and our communities.
According to the documentary people who are termed evil have a different brain pattern that can be recognised by amongst other things gaps in the frontal lobe which governs cognitive functions, an extra gene called the "warrior" gene and a lack of chemicals associated with compassion. Two groups were looked at serial killers and CEO's of companies. It turned out 25% of this latter group had the different brain pattern. There are scientists working on synthesising compassion chemicals and maybe one day soon we will be able to do brain transplants or give people compassion injections. In the meantime they are people who are characterised by coldness and emotional and physical violence to others. They seem to like seeing people suffer. If they rule a country they cause havoc. If they have a family they are extremely destructive to their children. Especially as seems to often happen they marry someone like themselves. They are very good actors and often are involved in church groups and on the local Council and use philanthropic activities as a cover because they know people don't like the way they really are. They generally don't think there is anything wrong with them and tend to blame others including their children for their behaviour. Back in the 80's Scott Peck the author of The Road Less Travelled and a child psychiatrist wrote a book called People of the Lie. He used the term evil to describe the parents of the children he worked with. He noticed two characteristics they shared: they blamed others and they were very concerned about appearances. The book was ahead of its time and "dropped off the radar".
The BBC documentary goes to a place of compassion. There was a court case in Tennessee where a man committed a horrible violent crime A psychiatrist presented the evidence of his genetic condition and in a landmark decision the jury came back with a finding of involuntary manslaughter on the grounds that the man couldn't help what he did. He couldn't help his genes or the horrible childhood he had which may have potentiated his genes even more. But he was never to be released. Compassion is the order of the day since people cannot help and do not want to help their genetic disorder. However these people are dangerous. And they are not just in some other country or some other decade they are here now and in our workplaces and families and communities.
I have strong spiritual beliefs. Light is stronger than darkness and good stronger than evil. Evil isn't sustainable because it destroys the host. It is temporary. I believe the spiritual technology is already available to deal with this condition: it is the state of transformation called "being born again". I have experienced it and know of others who have been radically transformed Science is working on catching up.
This blog is called codebreakers because it is directed at those people who are interested in doing life better in finding out and sharing what works and what doesn't. It is about sharing knowledge about false codes which don't work and true codes which do. It is learning to read the codes in our own heart as well as those around us.
Monday, 7 May 2018
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Spiritual laws: the Codes
Spiritual laws are real like physical laws. They exist whether people know about them or not. The law of cause and effect is a special case of the spiritual law of "what goes around comes around" or the law of seed and harvest: plant corn you get corn. Plant thistles you get thistles. The laws of physics were just as true 10,000 years ago as they are today: it is just that no one knew about the laws of gravity and thrust or had the technology to build an aeroplane. Though some dreamed like Da Vinci with his gyrocopter or Jules Verne writing about travelling to the moon.
Spiritual laws are higher order laws, that means they govern lower order laws like the laws of physics. Just like the laws of the quantum realm which we can't see govern the natural world which we can see. Quantum mechanics is the most supported scientific theory that has been to this point. Spiritual laws today are roughly like the laws of physics were 10 000 years ago: they existed but very few knew about them then . Most do not know about or understand spiritual laws today. Spiritual laws are the codes or formulas which govern for right living. Breaking them doesn't lead to punishment. It leads to consequences. If we jump off a roof gravity dictates we will fall. It isn't anyone punishing us though the pain we feel may seem like it. Gravity applies to everyone all the time. Knowing about gravity however not only stops you trying to jump off things without a parachute it can ,together with other information, help you to fly.
The main spiritual law is the law of seed and harvest. It is clearly reflected in the natural law and every farmer knows about it. You sow what you reap: other things being equal. As a spiritual law however it is even more significant. The spiritual law says this: the "seeds" are the words we speak not only out loud but inside ourselves. if we want good "crop" we speak good words. If we don't we will produce the result of bad words: a bad crop. What goes around comes around.
Just as a farmer couldn't possibly be successful if he didn't know that seeds reproduce in the natural so we cannot be successful in life if we don't understand that what we say matters! Not just what we say out loud but what we dwell on in our hearts and minds, what we mull over, obsess about at 4am going over and over in our minds. These words are seeds. They create the conditions that produce what we are pondering on. If we continually dwell on fear words and sickness words and words of not having enough or negative words about other people that is exactly what will be created in our environment over time including the environment in our body which we call our health and well being. As Joyce Meyer a great teacher of the spiritual law said: unforgiveness is like taking poison and hoping someone else will die! If on the other hand we dwell on good words true words positive words uplifting words compassionate words then that is what will be created both within and without ourselves.
There is however an important proviso: just exercising what we call "positive thinking" and "affirmations" will not undo the usually unconscious negative words we might be saying in our deepest being. Our unconscious which we may be unaware of always rules the conscious. Our unconscious is our operating system. If it is faulty we have to fix it otherwise the positive thinking will not override it. Just like with the computer: if we have operating system problems which we cannot see we cannot fix them by doing things on the screen we can see We have to know that there is an operating system (some don't) we have to know how to get in there (some do) and we have to know how to to navigate through the blue screens to find and fix the faulty instructions (relatively few know how to do this )
We have to get in touch with our unconscious our operating systems and change faulty instructions and replace outdated drivers. Our beliefs are programmed in. They can be wrong no matter how passionately we hold to them. The earth is not flat and coloured people (yellow black or red) are not inferior to white people. We can learn to re program. We were programmed through repetition and corresponding actions. We can re program the same way. Find a good coach someone who can help you if necessary. Most of us come from deeply troubled families as Bessel Van Der Kolk's study on Developmental Trauma showed. His book the Body Keeps Score is a great resource on programming and reprogramming.
Spiritual laws embed spiritual Truth. Truths work and lies don't. If we align our words with spiritual truths like Do unto others as you would have them do unto you: and speak them to ourselves and act on them they must come to pass. It is spiritual law as inevitable as the law of gravity that says if you jump off a roof you will fall or if you build an aeroplane according to laws of gravity and thrust you will fly. Better to fly than fall.
Spiritual laws are higher order laws, that means they govern lower order laws like the laws of physics. Just like the laws of the quantum realm which we can't see govern the natural world which we can see. Quantum mechanics is the most supported scientific theory that has been to this point. Spiritual laws today are roughly like the laws of physics were 10 000 years ago: they existed but very few knew about them then . Most do not know about or understand spiritual laws today. Spiritual laws are the codes or formulas which govern for right living. Breaking them doesn't lead to punishment. It leads to consequences. If we jump off a roof gravity dictates we will fall. It isn't anyone punishing us though the pain we feel may seem like it. Gravity applies to everyone all the time. Knowing about gravity however not only stops you trying to jump off things without a parachute it can ,together with other information, help you to fly.
The main spiritual law is the law of seed and harvest. It is clearly reflected in the natural law and every farmer knows about it. You sow what you reap: other things being equal. As a spiritual law however it is even more significant. The spiritual law says this: the "seeds" are the words we speak not only out loud but inside ourselves. if we want good "crop" we speak good words. If we don't we will produce the result of bad words: a bad crop. What goes around comes around.
Just as a farmer couldn't possibly be successful if he didn't know that seeds reproduce in the natural so we cannot be successful in life if we don't understand that what we say matters! Not just what we say out loud but what we dwell on in our hearts and minds, what we mull over, obsess about at 4am going over and over in our minds. These words are seeds. They create the conditions that produce what we are pondering on. If we continually dwell on fear words and sickness words and words of not having enough or negative words about other people that is exactly what will be created in our environment over time including the environment in our body which we call our health and well being. As Joyce Meyer a great teacher of the spiritual law said: unforgiveness is like taking poison and hoping someone else will die! If on the other hand we dwell on good words true words positive words uplifting words compassionate words then that is what will be created both within and without ourselves.
There is however an important proviso: just exercising what we call "positive thinking" and "affirmations" will not undo the usually unconscious negative words we might be saying in our deepest being. Our unconscious which we may be unaware of always rules the conscious. Our unconscious is our operating system. If it is faulty we have to fix it otherwise the positive thinking will not override it. Just like with the computer: if we have operating system problems which we cannot see we cannot fix them by doing things on the screen we can see We have to know that there is an operating system (some don't) we have to know how to get in there (some do) and we have to know how to to navigate through the blue screens to find and fix the faulty instructions (relatively few know how to do this )
We have to get in touch with our unconscious our operating systems and change faulty instructions and replace outdated drivers. Our beliefs are programmed in. They can be wrong no matter how passionately we hold to them. The earth is not flat and coloured people (yellow black or red) are not inferior to white people. We can learn to re program. We were programmed through repetition and corresponding actions. We can re program the same way. Find a good coach someone who can help you if necessary. Most of us come from deeply troubled families as Bessel Van Der Kolk's study on Developmental Trauma showed. His book the Body Keeps Score is a great resource on programming and reprogramming.
Spiritual laws embed spiritual Truth. Truths work and lies don't. If we align our words with spiritual truths like Do unto others as you would have them do unto you: and speak them to ourselves and act on them they must come to pass. It is spiritual law as inevitable as the law of gravity that says if you jump off a roof you will fall or if you build an aeroplane according to laws of gravity and thrust you will fly. Better to fly than fall.
Thursday, 29 March 2018
Why Codebreaking?
Life can seem like a code to which someone forgot to give us the key. It can then seem full of mystery (and not in a good way). It can be challenging difficult and frustrating and painful. And we can't find the key to deciphering it though we try and no one else really seems to know either. Or we are sidetracked from looking for the code or we are told there isn't one. Because the life codes are actually within us as well as all around us. But we need to have some basic information about how you recognise and decipher them. It isn't that difficult but someone has to tell you. An example is learning to listen to our own inner guidance. This is as fundamental code and is something that will guide you right even when other people or our programmed beliefs from childhood and from what we have learned tells us differently. If we do learn to listen though and act on our inner guidance and do it consistently it will lead us right. Every time. So that is a true code: to learn to listen to ourselves.
But in families that are stressful and troubled which the latest research indicates is probably most families, we grow up disconnected from ourselves. So we are not able to listen to ourselves. We are then lost. Our heads are full of information and mis-information. And we cannot tell the difference. True knowing is experiential. It is what Peter Levine an animal physiologist and traumatologist calls the "felt sense". It is what Aristotle called wisdom: knowledge- in- action. It is personal knowing which no one can give you and no one can take away. Knowing the true code is not just an intellectual thing like knowing who was the 15th president of the United States. It is knowing in our heart our gut it is experiential personal knowing. If we know something in this way we will act on it. Knowledge which has no application in life has no value. If something is right it works if it is wrong it doesn't Truth works. Lies don't.
So why codebreaking? It is so we can have successful fulfilled lives instead of feeling that life is incomprehensible and disturbing. When we start codebreaking we start feeling that we are part of life. And part of a greater Life. We feel connected. We feel connected to the animals and plants around us, we feel connected to ourselves and to other people. There is a felt sense of belonging not as for many people a sense of isolation and alienation. And a terrifying crushing loneliness. Like we are looking at life through a plate glass window.
Instead you know that when the birds come in the morning they have come to say hello to you. That when the koala turns up outside your front door and starts his song it is because he is letting you know that he is there so you can come out and say Hi to him. Or as I do sing him my song. It is knowing that the magpie sitting on the dog pen with fishing line wound around his foot he has come to let you know that his foot is sore and he expects you to do something about it. Of course you do.
The spiritual law is written in our hearts and it is evident around us in Nature. It is also contained in what is called the Bible though there is a true code to it being revealed. It can only be discerned by a spiritually awakened heart. This is a true code. And what is revealed are the spiritual laws the codes for an effective life. Spiritual laws work and religious laws don't. The spiritual law says we don't feel whole unless we are connected to the natural environment because we are part of those living organisms and beings and they are part of us. For us to be whole we have to be in union with the living beings that comprise our biosphere. One of the great Native American chiefs Sitting Bull wrote in a letter to the American Government about the destruction of the land: if people get too far from nature they get crazy. That is absolutely true. So the answer to the question Why codebreaking? is so that we can learn the true codes and make life the successful joyful adventure it is supposed to be and learn to recognise false codes so we are not misled..
But in families that are stressful and troubled which the latest research indicates is probably most families, we grow up disconnected from ourselves. So we are not able to listen to ourselves. We are then lost. Our heads are full of information and mis-information. And we cannot tell the difference. True knowing is experiential. It is what Peter Levine an animal physiologist and traumatologist calls the "felt sense". It is what Aristotle called wisdom: knowledge- in- action. It is personal knowing which no one can give you and no one can take away. Knowing the true code is not just an intellectual thing like knowing who was the 15th president of the United States. It is knowing in our heart our gut it is experiential personal knowing. If we know something in this way we will act on it. Knowledge which has no application in life has no value. If something is right it works if it is wrong it doesn't Truth works. Lies don't.
So why codebreaking? It is so we can have successful fulfilled lives instead of feeling that life is incomprehensible and disturbing. When we start codebreaking we start feeling that we are part of life. And part of a greater Life. We feel connected. We feel connected to the animals and plants around us, we feel connected to ourselves and to other people. There is a felt sense of belonging not as for many people a sense of isolation and alienation. And a terrifying crushing loneliness. Like we are looking at life through a plate glass window.
Instead you know that when the birds come in the morning they have come to say hello to you. That when the koala turns up outside your front door and starts his song it is because he is letting you know that he is there so you can come out and say Hi to him. Or as I do sing him my song. It is knowing that the magpie sitting on the dog pen with fishing line wound around his foot he has come to let you know that his foot is sore and he expects you to do something about it. Of course you do.
The spiritual law is written in our hearts and it is evident around us in Nature. It is also contained in what is called the Bible though there is a true code to it being revealed. It can only be discerned by a spiritually awakened heart. This is a true code. And what is revealed are the spiritual laws the codes for an effective life. Spiritual laws work and religious laws don't. The spiritual law says we don't feel whole unless we are connected to the natural environment because we are part of those living organisms and beings and they are part of us. For us to be whole we have to be in union with the living beings that comprise our biosphere. One of the great Native American chiefs Sitting Bull wrote in a letter to the American Government about the destruction of the land: if people get too far from nature they get crazy. That is absolutely true. So the answer to the question Why codebreaking? is so that we can learn the true codes and make life the successful joyful adventure it is supposed to be and learn to recognise false codes so we are not misled..
Tuesday, 27 March 2018
Who are we really?
We are a spirit with a soul in a body. I spent 6 months trying to have an "out of body" experience. I had some strange things happen including getting stuck at my feet and coming back in my body and not being able to move for what seemed like a very long time: probably about half an hour. But one sunny afternoon in Eltham I flipped out of my body and went off on a journey leaving my body lying on the bed. I seemed to go back in time to Vienna around the turn of the century and following the sound of a piano saw some hands playing the piano and they were old hands. I realised they were mine. I then looked out through the thick red velvet curtains on the street and saw horses and carriages. Then I came back into my body. I never felt the need to do it again. I found I can travel further and easier with the mind. But I learned that I definitely was not my body. Many cultures and all spiritual paths talk of leaving the body and of "astral" travel.
How do we know we are a spirit? the same way we know we are alive. It is not something that can be justified by reasons. It is experiential knowledge: personal knowing that can only come from experience. It is what Peter Levine calls "the felt sense" a whole body awareness not an opinion or an idea which is intellectual. Experiential knowing cannot be transferred. If someone doesn't believe they are a spirit you cannot persuade them. It is like eating a peach: if someone hasn't eaten a peach you might be good at describing the experience but they will have to eat a peach for themselves to find out what that experience is like.
In the terms of modern physics matter and energy are interchangeable (E =m multiplied by c (the speed of light 186,000 miles per second) squared). Thank you to dear Albert (Einstein). What we see with our senses as solid matter is really according to quantum physics vibrating packets of energy with large spaces in between. According to the latest view in quantum physics the fundamentals of matter are not teensy weensy particles or quanta but rather can only be described in terms of the qualities of sound: frequency and amplitude.. Basically this means the fundamentals of matter can only be described in terms that describes sound waves: frequency: how fast are the waves are coming and amplitude: how big they are. This would be no surprise to Hindu teachings on spirituality which has since the Vedas were written 10,000 years ago regarded Sound as the basis of Creation. Neither would it surprise Christians Jews or any who reads the Codebook we call the Bible: Genesis 1:1 says: "In the beginning was the Word......". A Word is Sound made by a voice. So to say we are a spirit is to say we are energy vibrating at a higher frequency in a body which is energy vibrating at a lower frequency.
However there are huge ramifications to accepting that we are spirits in a body. As someone said the body is our "earth suit" we can't live on the earth without one. How did we get here? Where were we before we were in the body and where are we going after we leave the body? What is our relationship to the Great Spirit as the Native Americans so aptly call the Spirit? If we are a spirit with consciousness and awareness are other beings such as plants and animals also spirits in bodies? Many would say undeniably Yes. I know my dog Grace has a soul and is an "angel with fur" and a spirit.
I know that my German Shepherd girl Taj who came to visit me often after she passed and was seen by friends and family members) is definitely a spirit. And can we commune with what people call the Universe (rather than using the religiously loaded term God)? God is actually derived from a German word Gott which means a supreme being whoever and whatever we conceive them to be. I prefer the Hebrew Yahweh: when this is translated it means the yearning burning passionate one (Yah) who manifested or fell from a higher to a lower place (hayah) by the Breath (ruach or spirit in Hebrew) which refers to the spoken Word. Why? to make things whole. The word translated incompletely as "save" means make whole in both Hebrew (yasha) and Greek (sozo). Nice thought.
Sometimes we spend a lot of time searching for something which is right under or sometimes right on our noses (like glasses). The spiritual law says the Word is close to you: in your mouth and in your heart (Romans 10:8). Rumi the great mystic Sufi poet wrote "My love, you are closer to me than myself" talking of the One whom he knew intimately as his Lover . Jesus said "The Kingdom is within you". Maybe we should make time in our busy, device-filled, distracting world to consider the question: Who am I really?
How do we know we are a spirit? the same way we know we are alive. It is not something that can be justified by reasons. It is experiential knowledge: personal knowing that can only come from experience. It is what Peter Levine calls "the felt sense" a whole body awareness not an opinion or an idea which is intellectual. Experiential knowing cannot be transferred. If someone doesn't believe they are a spirit you cannot persuade them. It is like eating a peach: if someone hasn't eaten a peach you might be good at describing the experience but they will have to eat a peach for themselves to find out what that experience is like.
In the terms of modern physics matter and energy are interchangeable (E =m multiplied by c (the speed of light 186,000 miles per second) squared). Thank you to dear Albert (Einstein). What we see with our senses as solid matter is really according to quantum physics vibrating packets of energy with large spaces in between. According to the latest view in quantum physics the fundamentals of matter are not teensy weensy particles or quanta but rather can only be described in terms of the qualities of sound: frequency and amplitude.. Basically this means the fundamentals of matter can only be described in terms that describes sound waves: frequency: how fast are the waves are coming and amplitude: how big they are. This would be no surprise to Hindu teachings on spirituality which has since the Vedas were written 10,000 years ago regarded Sound as the basis of Creation. Neither would it surprise Christians Jews or any who reads the Codebook we call the Bible: Genesis 1:1 says: "In the beginning was the Word......". A Word is Sound made by a voice. So to say we are a spirit is to say we are energy vibrating at a higher frequency in a body which is energy vibrating at a lower frequency.
However there are huge ramifications to accepting that we are spirits in a body. As someone said the body is our "earth suit" we can't live on the earth without one. How did we get here? Where were we before we were in the body and where are we going after we leave the body? What is our relationship to the Great Spirit as the Native Americans so aptly call the Spirit? If we are a spirit with consciousness and awareness are other beings such as plants and animals also spirits in bodies? Many would say undeniably Yes. I know my dog Grace has a soul and is an "angel with fur" and a spirit.
I know that my German Shepherd girl Taj who came to visit me often after she passed and was seen by friends and family members) is definitely a spirit. And can we commune with what people call the Universe (rather than using the religiously loaded term God)? God is actually derived from a German word Gott which means a supreme being whoever and whatever we conceive them to be. I prefer the Hebrew Yahweh: when this is translated it means the yearning burning passionate one (Yah) who manifested or fell from a higher to a lower place (hayah) by the Breath (ruach or spirit in Hebrew) which refers to the spoken Word. Why? to make things whole. The word translated incompletely as "save" means make whole in both Hebrew (yasha) and Greek (sozo). Nice thought.
Sometimes we spend a lot of time searching for something which is right under or sometimes right on our noses (like glasses). The spiritual law says the Word is close to you: in your mouth and in your heart (Romans 10:8). Rumi the great mystic Sufi poet wrote "My love, you are closer to me than myself" talking of the One whom he knew intimately as his Lover . Jesus said "The Kingdom is within you". Maybe we should make time in our busy, device-filled, distracting world to consider the question: Who am I really?
Wednesday, 10 January 2018
Self care is not selfish
Self care is not being selfish. What is self care? It is treating ourselves like we are valuable. We often look after our cars and devices better than we look after ourselves. But if you want to be in it for the long haul you have to take care of yourself. Another name for this is self-love. People talk a lot about loving yourself. But what does this really mean? The core of what it means is that you value yourself. This shows in how you look after yourself.
The spiritual law says we are spirit (or in terms of contemporary physics: energy). We live in a body (which our physics tells us is also really vibrating" packets" of energy or atoms with large spaces in between). This body is our "earth suit" We humans cannot live in this material realm without it. We also have a soul or individual personality. This is expressed in terms of intellect, emotions and will. We are each a completely unique expression of the entire space-time continuum. Or as people term it somewhat vaguely and being politically correct expressions of : "The Universe". People are wary of the term God because He/She and the original Transgendered Being has got a bad rap. A very bad rap since denominational religion has used the concept of God to terrify people; to justify the middle man (priests, pastors, ministers almost exclusively male) and to have someone to blame besides each other for the horrible condition of much of the world and the people in it. The real issue which people skirt around is whether or not "the Universe" is conscious and whether or not"the Universe" manifests as a Person a Being, the Creator in whose image we are created and with whom we can commune. This is to be continued in a different blog.
If we are a spirit with a soul in a body we need to take care of each of these aspects of ourselves. Let us start with the body. Our bodies are living organisms. Much like dogs they are unconditionally loving and will allow us to punish them until they drop. Preventative medicine is almost a contradiction in terms. Medicine is concerned with treating symptoms and conditions with drugs and invasive physical procedures. Heart lung surgery is amazing. Where it comes to physical trauma like injury and accidents modern medicine has no parallel. There is an interesting documentary called Heal on itunes which makes this point. However apart from that we need to be able to prevent illness. People generally know about good diet. However diet and weight have become the focus of health and a giant industry. Apart from good diet (which means a little bit of all the food groups, as fresh as possible, not genetically modified and as free of chemicals as possible in smallish appropriate quantities ), the main requirement for our body is exercise. This is sadly lacking for most people. We are sedentary culture: cars TVs computers devices keep us sitting not moving. Our health: mental and physical depends on a body that moves regularly. I will blog about exercise and its importance another time.
Just as the body need good food and exercise so does the soul: we need to have good mental and emotional "food" not "junk food" consisting of "reality" TV, the violence and horror and fear- mongering of "news" (as pointed out by Skyhooks long ago) and cruelty disguised as comedy. We need good mental and emotional food: music and the poetry of songs (including rap) inspiring stories about what people achieve in sport and elsewhere, movies that encourage and uplift. Fun is great too: dancing joy laughter outdoors being with people who are kindred spirits. What about spiritual food? We need that too. What is spiritual food? Food that links us to our deepest self and the bigger picture. It is meditation it is studying the spiritual law and putting it into practice: things like what goes around comes around, be kind to others. be kind to the planet. be kind to yourself. Above all it means seeking to find out who or what our consciousnesss comes from.
Here is the kicker: since our spirit is the predominant energetic force spiritual food is the most important of all. We can have the healthiest fittest body in the cosmos and have mind and emotions tuned and focused and managed but if our spirit is inactive we are empty sad and lost.
So self care starts from the inside out: the spirit is the real self. We live in a culture that has confused spirituality with religion and thrown the baby out with the bathwater. Spiritual laws like physical laws are true whether we believe them or not. Whether or not you believe in gravity if you jump off the garage roof you will probably hurt yourself. But knowing about gravity and thrust and having the technology means you can fly.
Spiritual laws are the higher order laws our science hasn't caught up with yet but it will. Knowing these laws means you can learn to fly - without a plane. Now there's a thought........
The spiritual law says we are spirit (or in terms of contemporary physics: energy). We live in a body (which our physics tells us is also really vibrating" packets" of energy or atoms with large spaces in between). This body is our "earth suit" We humans cannot live in this material realm without it. We also have a soul or individual personality. This is expressed in terms of intellect, emotions and will. We are each a completely unique expression of the entire space-time continuum. Or as people term it somewhat vaguely and being politically correct expressions of : "The Universe". People are wary of the term God because He/She and the original Transgendered Being has got a bad rap. A very bad rap since denominational religion has used the concept of God to terrify people; to justify the middle man (priests, pastors, ministers almost exclusively male) and to have someone to blame besides each other for the horrible condition of much of the world and the people in it. The real issue which people skirt around is whether or not "the Universe" is conscious and whether or not"the Universe" manifests as a Person a Being, the Creator in whose image we are created and with whom we can commune. This is to be continued in a different blog.
If we are a spirit with a soul in a body we need to take care of each of these aspects of ourselves. Let us start with the body. Our bodies are living organisms. Much like dogs they are unconditionally loving and will allow us to punish them until they drop. Preventative medicine is almost a contradiction in terms. Medicine is concerned with treating symptoms and conditions with drugs and invasive physical procedures. Heart lung surgery is amazing. Where it comes to physical trauma like injury and accidents modern medicine has no parallel. There is an interesting documentary called Heal on itunes which makes this point. However apart from that we need to be able to prevent illness. People generally know about good diet. However diet and weight have become the focus of health and a giant industry. Apart from good diet (which means a little bit of all the food groups, as fresh as possible, not genetically modified and as free of chemicals as possible in smallish appropriate quantities ), the main requirement for our body is exercise. This is sadly lacking for most people. We are sedentary culture: cars TVs computers devices keep us sitting not moving. Our health: mental and physical depends on a body that moves regularly. I will blog about exercise and its importance another time.
Just as the body need good food and exercise so does the soul: we need to have good mental and emotional "food" not "junk food" consisting of "reality" TV, the violence and horror and fear- mongering of "news" (as pointed out by Skyhooks long ago) and cruelty disguised as comedy. We need good mental and emotional food: music and the poetry of songs (including rap) inspiring stories about what people achieve in sport and elsewhere, movies that encourage and uplift. Fun is great too: dancing joy laughter outdoors being with people who are kindred spirits. What about spiritual food? We need that too. What is spiritual food? Food that links us to our deepest self and the bigger picture. It is meditation it is studying the spiritual law and putting it into practice: things like what goes around comes around, be kind to others. be kind to the planet. be kind to yourself. Above all it means seeking to find out who or what our consciousnesss comes from.
Here is the kicker: since our spirit is the predominant energetic force spiritual food is the most important of all. We can have the healthiest fittest body in the cosmos and have mind and emotions tuned and focused and managed but if our spirit is inactive we are empty sad and lost.
So self care starts from the inside out: the spirit is the real self. We live in a culture that has confused spirituality with religion and thrown the baby out with the bathwater. Spiritual laws like physical laws are true whether we believe them or not. Whether or not you believe in gravity if you jump off the garage roof you will probably hurt yourself. But knowing about gravity and thrust and having the technology means you can fly.
Spiritual laws are the higher order laws our science hasn't caught up with yet but it will. Knowing these laws means you can learn to fly - without a plane. Now there's a thought........
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